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Abhijit Tiwari
Jan 27, 20161 min read
Powershell Script to convert objectGUID values of local AD to ImmutableID (Base64)
Now, someone requested me to come up with a script that would show immutable IDs of all the user objects so that the harmatch process...
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Abhijit Tiwari
Jan 26, 20162 min read
How to migrate users on office 365 after a AD migration or ADMT move
Recently, I dealt with situation where a customer was migrating AD objects from one forest to another. Now, there are many situations why...
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Abhijit Tiwari
Jan 19, 20162 min read
Password set to never expire on local AD, yet user gets a prompt to update the password on office 36
I had came across an unusual situation where the user account was synced from AD and the password sync was working just as fine as I was...
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Abhijit Tiwari
Jan 13, 20163 min read
How to troubleshoot password sync issues on Office365 and Azure AD on AD Connect and DirSync
We often come across issues where all of a sudden passwords stop syncing to Office 365 and Azure AD. Now its not known why this happens...
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Abhijit Tiwari
Jan 10, 20162 min read
Stopped Extension DLL error on AD connect or DirSync is not always a Global Admin credential issue
We often start getting pesky emails from Microsoft that the DirSync isnt working and we need to fix it. Soon we open up the MIIS client...
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Abhijit Tiwari
Jan 8, 20163 min read
Step-By-Step guide to Hard Match a user on Office 365 or Azure AD
Often we see errors like attibute value must be unique when we try to sync a user to the cloud service like Azure AD or Office 365 and...
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